Mia Marie OLSEN
Profoundly interested in social science, conflict transformation and migration matters, Mia Marie Olsen is currently completing a Master’s Degree in International Cooperation and Multilingual Communication (English, French and Spanish), after having fulfilled her Bachelor’s Degree in English and Arabic.
Born in Denmark, she decided to settle in France in 2008 and an international and multicultural environment unquestionably marks her career path.
Over the years, she has been involved with several student associations and civil society organizations especially in the field of migration.
Author Files
Bibliographie : Nature et formes de la violence, causes du conflit en République Centrafricaine
Clowns Without Borders in Sri Lanka
How art can help to address post-war trauma?
Nature et formes de la violence, causes du conflit en RCA
Afin de comprendre le conflit qui se déroule aujourd’hui en RCA, cette fiche propose une analyse des causes profondes du conflit et de ses symptômes, à savoir les différentes formes de violences en présence.