un sitio web de recursos para la paz es un sitio de recursos para la paz elaborado para promover el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias para la construcción de un arte de la paz.
Este sitio web está coordinado por la asociación
Modus Operandi


"The Resource Conflict Triangle"

- Abu-Nimer, Mohammed. Reconciliation, Jusitce and Coexistence : Therory and Practice. Lanham, Boulder, New-York, Oxford : Lexington Books, 200.

- B.I Bernardo, Allan and Carmela D. Ortigas. Building Peace, Essays on Psychology and the Culture of Peace. Manila : De la Salle University Press, Inc, 2000.

- Fisher, Simon, et. al. Working with Conflict, skills and strategies for action. London : Zed Books, 2000.

- Herr, Robert and Judy Zimmerman Herr. Transforming Violence, Linking Local and Global Peacemaking. Scottdale, Pennsylvania : Herald Press, 1998.

- International Alert - Concepcion, Sylvia/ Digal, Larry/ Guiam, Rufa/ De la Rosa, Romulo/ Stankovitch, Mara. Breaking the lins between economics and conflict in Mindanao. December 2003.

- International Alert, Banfield, Jessica/ Haufler, Virginia/ Lilly, Damian. Transnational Corporations in conflict Prone Zones : Public Policy responses and a framework for action. International Alert, September 2003.

- International Alert, Development and Peacebuilding Programme, Maria Lange. Building Institutional Capacity for conflict-sensitive Practice : The case of International NGOs. London : International Alert, May 2004.

- International Alert, Nelson, Jane. The Business of Peace, The private sector as a partner in conflict prevention and resolution. International Alert, 2000.

- Kriesberg, Louis. Constructive Conflicts, from escalation to resolution. Lanham, Maryland : Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 1998.

- Lederach, John Paul, The Moral Imagination. New York : Oxford University Press, Inc. 2005.

- Lederach, John Paul. Building Peace, sustainable reconciliation in divided societies. Washington : United States institute of Peace Press, 1997.

- Lederach, John Paul. Preparing for Peace, conflict transformation accross cultures. New-York : Syracuse University Press, 1996.

- Lederach, John Paul. The Journey Toward Reconciliation. Scottdale, Pensylvania : Herald Press, 1999.

- Leonhardt 2001b. from Materials of the training CD "Basic Principles of Crisis Prevention, Conflict Transformation and Peace-Building", gtz, 2005.

- Leonhardt, Manuela. Conflict Analysis for Project Planning and Management : A practical guideline – Draft, August 2001.

- Mennonite Conciliation Service, Carolyn Schrock-Shenk, editor. Mediation and Facilitation Training Manual, foundations and skills for constructive conflict transformation, 4th edition. Akron, Pensylvania : Mennonite Concilitation Service, 2000.

- Oberg, Jan. Conflict Mitigation in Reconstruction and Development.

- Rupesinghe, Kumar and Sanam Naraghi Anderlini. Civil Wars, Civil Peace, an introduction to conflict resolution. London/ Sterling, Virginia : Pluto Press, 1998.

- Training Manual from Notre-Dame University, Cotabaco City & The british Rights Project Fund. Teaching Peace, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution. Manila : Program on Psychosocial Trauma and Human Rights, UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies, and the British Ambassy, 2003.