Alexia Stainer
Author Files
The example of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dayton accords.
Assessing the durability of Peace Agreements
Looking at form, content and actors involved in peace agreements.
Bosnian Elections 2010: The failing of a consociationalist system
The appearance of a functioning democratic process provided by the elections does not necessarily translate into a functioning political system.
Citizens requesting the governance of diamond exploitation
The Kimberly process as response.
A dispute between the citizen of Plachimada and the Coca-Cola Company.
Description de la lutte non violente d’un peuple pour éliminer un dictateur.
There Are Realistic Alternatives - de Gene Sharp
Ce livret est un résumé ou un rappel des grandes lignes de l’œuvre de Gene Sharp. Il peut servir d’introduction pour un novice ou d’aide mémoire pour les connaisseurs.